Below is a compilation of reports, articles, interviews and press releases written in English. If you want a complete overview of our media presence you can find it on the Swedish site under Aktuellt ”Media, pressmeddelanden & debattartiklar”.

National survey about menstrual related experiences among Swedish youth”

January 2024

In 2021, MENSEN conducted a unique national survey on young people’s menstrual related experiences such as period poverty, stigma, and level of menstrual knowledge. The report sumary is now available in English.

”Only bleeding: How Swedes opened up about periods”

December 2021

The radio documentary ”Only bleeding: How Swedes opened up about periods” on BBC features information about our unique national period survey, our project Period Works/Menstrual certificate and much more from Swedish period activists.

”It’s time to bring menstrual awareness to workplaces”

May 2019

Equal Times is a trilingual news and opinion website focusing on labour, human rights, culture, development, the environment, politics and economic issues. We wrote an article for them regarding the menstrual perspective in work environments.

”It’s time to bring menstrual awareness to workplaces”

April 2019

Our debate article ”It’s time to bring menstrual awareness to workplaces” is our debut in international press. Published in Social Europe – a leading European digital media publisher and a forum for debate and innovative thinking.

”How to create a period-friendly workplace”

March 2019

An extensive article about our project Period Works in BBC Business.

”Swedes debate period-proofed workplaces”

November 2018

MENSENs project covered in BBCs News from Elsewhere segment.

Press Release

Continues February 2020

The project Period Works!

Press Release

September 2019

Forza Football recieves a certificate.